Hello and welcome! I’m so excited to begin this new journey of healthy healing with you! Let me begin by first saying that this is NOT your cookie cutter candle company. Here, we make candles, herbal teas, meditate, etc., and we believe in enjoying the things that make us happy and learning from the experiences we were taught to believe were “bad”. Life is about learning, feeling, healing, and growing to be the person you TRULY are.
You’re probably wondering why I haven’t said a word about herbs and teas yet, huh? Well, the truth is our healing comes from within! It’s what we think about on a day to day basis, how we perceive ourselves and what‘s going on around us. Yes, plants and herbs hold special healing properties. Yes, it’s better to consume plants (fruit, veggies, grains, herbs), but every single person on this planet has the ability to heal themselves and THAT is the part YOU must accept and put into action. It all starts with what you choose to believe. That’s right, your mindset is the key to healing! Imagine that shit, lol! For those of you shocked by the language there, let loose a bit and express yourself a little more😉
We‘ll have plenty of opportunities for self expression. I only request kindness! Let’s get started!💋