At Twin Flame Candle Company, quality is our mission. No matter what herbal tea you're looking for, we’re committed to bringing you exactly what you need, when you need it. Our customers love working with us because we produce high quality products with an exceptionally fast turnaround.
With a sweet and floral taste, you'll love this Lavender and Lemon blended tea around bedtime if you have trouble relaxing or suffer from anxiety. The main benefit of lavender is to calm tension and relax the body allowing you to easily drift away. The other half of that battle is quieting your thoughts and we can help with that too! Visit our mediation page for tips and ideas!
Ladies, we all know what it's like to cramp and bloat and if you're like me, you've had some serious "Get it TF out of me!" moments with your uterus. This peppermint and red raspberry blended tea is the choice for you. While peppermint is known to make your skin shine, and decrease indigestion, red raspberry is busy promoting a more regulated cycle, lighter flow and less cramping. Overall, this tea has the ability to help your body strengthen and tone your uterus!
The story behind this blend is personal.
for years I suffered from severe iron deficiency anemia. So severe that my body was not absorbing the iron supplements provided by my doctor and I was taking 8 ferrous sulfate pills a day! The physical and mental strain the condition put on me kept me fatigued and exhausted. This herbal blend of Elderberry, Graviola Leaf, Lily of the Valley, and Red Clover contains properties rich in boosting red blood cells to get you back to a balanced state. Let's get you the energy you need to create your day!
Feeling flashy with a hint of tropical vibes? Our blend of rose hip and hibiscus has a refreshing, sour taste with a beautiful deep pink natural color. Set your intentions pure, pull those shoulders back, chin up, and create YOUR day!
I know what you're thinking--What in the sticks and roots?! Hear me out. The sticks you see are sarsaparillas and their benefits alone are extensive--from treating respiratory and cold and flu symptoms to treating impotence and hormonal imbalances. Combined with blessed thistle, blue vervain, dandelion root, elderberry, ginger root, graviola leaf, and full spectrum sea moss, this tea is perfect for anyone choosing to balance and achieve optimal health!
The 3 main ingredients in this tea is Horny Goats Weed, Ashwaghanda Root and Damiana Leaf. Yesss, let's talk about it. These unique herbs were specifically chosen and blended to create life so proceed with caution if you're not about THAT life. Its potent properties increase libido and encourages blood flow "down there". Combined with Milk Thistle, and Red Clover this tea also aids in digestion, lowers cholesterol and keeps that heart healthy--an important factor for the workout this tea promotes!