Twin Flame Forum
Welcome to the TF Forum! This forum was created as a discussions page for your journey and knowledge of Twin Flames!
Twin Flames
Are you a Twin Flame? Started your journey? Experiencing a whirlwind of emotions? Express yourself here and help others!
1Candle Lovers
Do you make candles, shop candles, or have candle ideas? This is the space for you! Share ideas and help each other grow
Fellow healers, we have work to do. Many are waking up and are lost beyond measure. Use this platform to shine ur light!
0Herbal Tea Lovers
Do you make herbal teas? Have questions, interests or want to know more? Connect with others here!
Introspection is a tough, but necessary process. It increases self-awareness and promotes healing. Help each other grow!
0Plant Power
Let's have open discussions about what plants and herbs have helped you heal and how you used them!
- Twin FlamesFirst thing he told me when I texted him was “how did YOU text ME? You are too perfect”. Other things he said that made me feel he sees me as something special and he has some sort of fear was “how are you such a treasure?”, (after not making a move and contemplating on it for months he asked) “what do you think the ideal date for us should be?” and “what if we have sex and that ruins everything?” (This last he deleted very fast but I caught it). Why does the date have to be ideal, let’s just grab a beer and why are you overthinking sex? What will it ruin? We are not even friends! Other than that, there was instant connection like we knew each other forever, we laughed a lot,we have many similarities as human, many common life experiences, we are both artists and after I met him I got two job offers where he works. It wasn’t purely coincidence and karmic, I followed the projects on social media because of him, the managers saw me and they offered me a job. But it felt like something is pushing us together. Of course he barely shows up in the first job and I think I just rejected the other job because turns out it’s too painful being around him if I can’t have him. I heard that he got stressed about me being there as well and he did act awkward. I got tired of waiting for him to make a move. Maybe if I was patient it would progress slowly until he got some balls. (twin flames are supposed to progress fast right ?or that’s not a rule in all relationships? We haven’t even kissed) So I expressed him how I feel. I told him that I care about him. He doubted me and then he said that’s “extreme” and “weird”. I got grounded pretty fast right there. Pure rejection. So after I got rejected and thought it’s over I thought what’s the harm in telling him something more extreme, that I haven’t had sex with anyone else since I started liking him. He did freak out like I expected, he said “what? That is a huge responsibility, I am a mess I can’t handle a responsibility like that, you are making it worse”. I told him “I said I haven’t had sex, not that I am a virgin!”. And overall he said “I am into laid back things right now and I like it, I can’t be overanalyzing, that’s all”. He meant that I was overanalyzing. I wasn’t. I was just trying to communicate with him to see what is holding him back and he is not into communicating= not interested. If we just had one open conversation there would be no overanalyzing. I guess that was the open conversation I needed to stop trying to understand him, I won’t bother him again, it was a clear rejection even though I think it was out of fear. I still like him and it hurts, I thought there was something special there. If we are twin flames he is supposed to overcome his issues and come back, in months or years. He did say he was on therapy but I don’t know…. There are things here that resemble a twin flame journey, or he could just be a guy that is not interested and I am overanalyzing like he said. But usually guys that are not interested , will at least f… you first and ghost you later! :P And I am very f…able, that is not an issue , actually that has been my problem all my life that men would see me only as a piece of meat, just for sex. And one of the things I liked in him was that he did not prioritize sex, but avoiding it? What’s his deal?Like
- Plant PowerMost often times we'll manicure our lawns without a second thought of what we're cutting down or getting rid of. I live in Savannah, Ga and I see chamber bitters everywhere, but they're normally mistaken for useless weeds. Now, they can cause issues and loss of other plants if planted too close, but this can be prevented by designating a space specifically for the bitters. Chamber bitters has a bitter-sweet taste and has numerous benefits. Let's explore further. • Chamber bitters is used for liver problems such as acute and chronic hepatitis B. Diabetes, flu, tumors, headache, fever, jaundice, dysentery, vaginitis and menstrual disorders, and parts of the urinary system can also be treated with the plant. Below is a list of how to use the plant for specific ailments. • Paste prepared from Chamber Bitter, rock salt and water in copper utensils when applied around the eye is beneficial for eye disorders. • Decoction obtained from boiling whole plant when taken about 1 tsp every day is beneficial for cough. • Paste obtained from 10 g root with water when taken with 1 tsp rock sugar or honey is effective for Respiratory diseases. • Mixture of 100 g leaves and 250 ml milk is beneficial for Ascites as well as urinary diseases. • Consuming 10 ml Decoction obtained from heating 50 g whole plant along with 400 ml water is beneficial for Ascites. • Decoction obtained from boiling 20 g leaves of Chamber Bitter along with 200 ml water is beneficial for bloating as well as Dysentery. • Decoction obtained from boiling 50 g whole plant with 400 ml water when taken with fenugreek powder is effective in diarrhea. • Paste prepared from 5 g root when taken with 250 ml milk in empty stomach is beneficial for jaundice. • Powder prepared from whole plant along with black pepper when taken 2-3 times a day is beneficial for diabetes. • Mixture of 10 ml Chamber Bitter juice along with cumin and Jaggery is beneficial for urinary diseases. • Paste prepared from immature leaves when applied over wounds is beneficial for wound healing. • Paste prepared from leaves along with salt when applied over itch is beneficial for itchiness. • Decoction obtained from leaves is beneficial for skin disorders. • Paste prepared from leaves is beneficial for itch in your legs. • Paste prepared from equal amounts of Chamber Bitter leaves along with black pepper and nutmeg is made into small medicinal pills. Such pills when taken 2 times a day is beneficial for malarial fever as well as other recurring fevers. • Bitter leaves are eaten to treat hiccup and cough. • Decoction of young shoots or roots is taken to treat dysentery, malaria and typhoid fever. • Decoction of the whole plant is taken to fight jaundice and gonorrhea and is topically applied as a poultice to treat skin problems such as ulcers, sores, swelling and itch. • Plant decoction is drunk as a diuretic and purgative to treat diarrhea, painful urination, syphilis and liver problems, and also to treat fever in Madagascar, Reunion and Mauritius. • Stem or leaf infusion is taken to treat bronchitis and asthma and is externally applied to treat parasitic skin diseases in Madagascar. • Leaf infusion is taken to treat cough in Rodrigues. • It is used as a diuretic and purgative to treat a wide variety of uro-genital disorders, diarrhea and diabetes, as a bitter tonic and to treat fever, including malaria throughout the world. • Extracts are widely used against hepatitis B infections in Asia. • Crushed plant parts or an infusion are applied to treat ulcers, sores and tumors. • Crushed plant is used as fish poison in India. • Leaf or stem bark decoction is taken as a diuretic to treat venereal diseases and pain caused by kidney stones. • Sap of leafy twigs, or a twig decoction, is consumed to treat pain in the side. • Paste of fresh crushed leaves and kaolin in water is drunk and applied to the body to treat convulsions, colic, constipation and urethral discharges. References
- Candle LoversHello and welcome! I’m so excited to begin this new journey of healthy healing with you! Let me begin by first saying that this is NOT your cookie cutter candle company. Here, we make candles, herbal teas, meditate, etc., and we believe in enjoying the things that make us happy and learning from the experiences we were taught to believe were “bad”. Life is about learning, feeling, healing, and growing to be the person you TRULY are. You’re probably wondering why I haven’t said a word about herbs and teas yet, huh? Well, the truth is our healing comes from within! It’s what we think about on a day to day basis, how we perceive ourselves and what‘s going on around us. Yes, plants and herbs hold special healing properties. Yes, it’s better to consume plants (fruit, veggies, grains, herbs), but every single person on this planet has the ability to heal themselves and THAT is the part YOU must accept and put into action. It all starts with what you choose to believe. That’s right, your mindset is the key to healing! Imagine that shit, lol! For those of you shocked by the language there, let loose a bit and express yourself a little more😉 We‘ll have plenty of opportunities for self expression. I only request kindness! Let’s get started!💋Like